Our plans meet your needs at every stage.

Choose what works best for you.
For organizations who are just getting started
Public Security Profile
Unlimited users
SSO with Google
Most security frameworks
One free AI powered security review
Get started in minutes
From $800/month
For Sales and Revenue teams
Everything in the Free plan
SSO with SAML and Okta
Access to Shared Assessments SIG
Security profile categories
AI security reviews
AI and integration to automatically build your Security Profile
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From $2,500/month
For Risk Management teams evaluating up to 50 vendors
Everything in the Growth plan
Unlimited profile categories
Unlimited AI security reviews
Customizable vendor risk tiers
Auto-review of vendor security risk powered by AI
Customizable vendor risk insights across all security docs
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More than 50 vendors?

For large businesses managing more than 50 vendors, get in touch.

Enterprise plan

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What's included
Everything in the Professional plan
White glove onboarding
Professional review of your TPRM program